The Thrifty Traveler team is out of office today, Wednesday, Sept. 21, with no access to email or cell phones. If this is an emergency … trust us, it's not.
Our entire team is down in Mexico this week, spending precious time together during our annual retreat. We're putting our laptops down today to focus on that. We'll be back tomorrow.
And that's what you should be doing when you leave the office, too. Emails can wait. Stop checking your calendar. Delete Slack from your phone. And excise the words “If you need to reach me…” from your out-of-office email.
More than 50% of Americans don't use all their vacation days each year, according to previous studies. But even more of us are staying plugged into work when we're supposed to be getting away – especially now with remote work so easy.
Life is short. Travel now.
If you're ready to go on vacation but not sure where to start…
- Read our guide to Google Flights, the single-best tool to find cheap flights
- Purge travel myths like “Tuesday is the best day to book flights!” and “Airlines are tracking your searches, search for flights incognito!” from your mind – they're not true
- Get the cheapest domestic and international flight deals (plus award alerts!) in your inbox with Thrifty Traveler Premium
- Just need a getaway, don't care where so long as it's cheap? Google Flights Explore is built for that
- Not sure where to start with credit card points to travel even more for less? Read our beginner's guide to get started – and check out our roundup of the best current offers
- Join us for Thrifty Traveler University in Minneapolis on Nov. 5 for a one-day crash course on all things cheap travel
Bottom Line
We're out of office today, practicing what we preach: Enjoying time with each other away from work … really away from work