Attention, travelers: If you're looking for a great phone to stay connected while abroad and take great photos, this is it. You won't find a better phone at a better price.

Google rolled out a new, cheaper version of its Pixel 3 phone on Tuesday called the Google Pixel 3a. While it lacks some of the power and extra features of the original, you cannot beat the price.

While the top-of-the-line Pixel 3 typically costs at least $799, the Google Pixel 3a has some of the same great features – an unbeatable camera and the Google Fi network. And it's on sale for just $399. Better yet, you might be eligible for a $100 credit toward your Google Fi cell phone service bill.


Google Pixel 3a


We're confident that Google Pixels are some of the best phones in the world for travelers. For starters, you can use the Google Fi network – the cheapest and fastest way to stay connected while traveling.

It offers unthrottled 4G service in more than 170 countries. One line starts at just $20 per month (you can add on more for $15 each), and you'll pay just $10 per GB of data you use anywhere in the world. After using 6GB, additional data is free (for up to 15GB per month).

But it's not just the connectivity that makes Google Pixel phones so great for travelers. These phones also take some of the best photos. No smartphone can compare, and even many digital SLR cameras will fall short.


Google Pixel 3a photo
This unedited photo in Tokyo was taken with a Google Pixel 3.


And while there are some important differences between this new phone and its more powerful sibling – processor power and water resistance, among them – the main camera on the back of the Google Pixel 3a is identical.  On the plus side, the newer Google Pixel 3a has a standard headphone jack – something its bigger brother lacks.

If you're married to your current cell phone provider, don't worry. Google phones work with Verizon, and can also be unlocked to work with most carriers.


Bottom Line

We swear by Google Pixel phones here at Thrifty Traveler to stay connected and work on the road – not to mention take some ultra-sharp photos. At this price tag, it should be a no-brainer for any traveler looking for a new phone.